Longman Target English s.1-s.2答案(15points)
求Longman Target English s.1-s.2答案 PLS
Unit1 Comprehension A)1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A B.) 2.three people 3.Miki Tse/one of the owners(of the coffee shop) 4.attends dog shows 5.in a special pet area 6.Storm 7.the coffee shop's good food and quiet atmosphere Vocabulary A)2.trophies 3.dog shows 4.animal lovers 5.playful 6.attending 7.atmosphere 8.named 9.staff members 10.puppy B)2.department store 3.sport shop 4.food court 5.CD shop 6.computer shop 7.stationery shop 8.cinema 9.ice-skating rink C)2.cucumber/tomato 3.tomato/cucumber 4.spaghetti 5.penne 6.burger 7.pickles 8.pizza 9.congee 10.stew Grammar a)1.(b)her (c)she 2.(a)They (b)them (c)me 3.(a)it (b)us (c)we (d)you B.)(2.)her (3.)I (4.)her (5.)it (6.)They (7.)her (8.)He (9.)I (10.)you (11.)me (12.)him (13.)us/you c.1) (b)sit 2.) (a)order (b)includes (c)makes 3.) (a)Are (b)Do...run away (c)see 4.) (a)wants (b)aren't/are not (c)don't/do not d.(2)Do...know (3.)comes (4.)are (5.)is (6.)calls (7.)don't/do not (8.)has (9.)likes (10.)dosen't/dose not (11.)Do...want e.(2.)Do...know (3.)are (4.)'re/are practising (5.)Is...crying (6.)are (7.)isn't/is not (8.)'s/is eating (9.)'m/am (10)'m/am sitting f.(b)Is...sitting (c)gets (d)Are...watching (e)'m/am (f)'s/is buying (g.)'m/am not (h.)'re/are watching (2.)F (3.)D (4.)H (5.)B (6.)G (7.)C (8.)E g.(2.)A (3.)B (4.)A (5.)A (6.)B (7.)B (8.)C (9.)A (10.)B (11.)B (12.)B (13.)B (14.)C (15.)C Listening 貓-Trouble,18thFebruary 兔-13th July 狗-Millie,30thOctober Skills Focus Help! adv=adverb,n=noun,prep=preposition,pron=pronoun,v=verb A.(2.)verb (3.)noun (4.)noun (5.)adjective (6.)adverb (7.)adjective (8.)pronoun (9.)preposition (10.)verb (11.)preposition (12.)pronoun (13.)adverb (14.)article B.1.)(b)verb 2.)(a)noun (b.)verb 3.)(a)verb (b)noun 4.(a)noun (b)verb 5.(a)noun (b)verb 6.(a)verb (b)noun
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