以下兩支不同焦距的微距鏡頭,推薦哪一支?請述說理由及兩支鏡的利弊。 Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 USM macro Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro
EF-S 60mm f/2.8 macro Lens Construction: 12 elements in 8 groups Diagonal Angle of View:25° Focus Adjustment: Manual Closest Focusing Distance: 0.2mm/0.66 ft. Filter Size: 52mm Max. Diameter x Length, Weight:2.9" x 2.8", 11.8 oz. / 73 x 69.8mm, 335g (lens only) EF 100mm f2.8 macro Lens Construction: 12 elements in 8 groups Diagonal Angle of View:24o Focus Adjustment: Inner focusing system with USM Closest Focusing Distance: 0.31m / 1ft. (film plane to subject) Filter Size: 58mm Max. Diameter x Length, Weight:3.1" x 4.7", 21.1 oz. / 79.0 x 119.0mm, 600g (lens only) In terms of picture quality, both of them are very good. Distortion, chromatic aberrations and vignetting are minimal. Both lenses are highly recommended for macro shooting. If you need longer working distance (e.g. for shooting inserts) or you'll get full-frame in the future, EF 100mm is the one go buy.
EF-S 60mm焦距較短,雖然比較易用,但效果唔夠100mm好,加上EF-S只適用於APS既DSLR用係菲林機或全片幅的DSLR就會有黑角問題,小弟都有支100mm 2.8非常銳利,的確係微距玩家必備既好鏡!