USA apply finical aid problem
我係美國resident,咁我同學校apply finical aid,之後寄左封SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM,佢要我REGISTER先得 我有問題: 1/仲有冇其他方法apply唔洗register? 2/register之後,係咪叫你去服兵役?個程序係點,有咩要注意?要幾耐?聽講係抽既形式 thx alot
1. Basically, if you are male between age 18-25, and living in the United States, you are required to register unless you mean certain exemptions: http://www.sss.gov/FSwho.htm In your case, you have to apply. 2. Since you have a big misunderstanding about Selective Service System, I will recommend you to read about it: http://www.sss.gov/sssyou/sssyou.htm By the way, the registration requirement is the law and failure to do may result in criminal imprisonment and/or penalties with the loss of federal benefits, such as financials aids, naturalization, federal job and so on. Therefore, you really do not have a choice. 2009-10-24 01:22:08 補充: To: j_hungary002 1. Temporary residents are usually exempt. 2. The maximum age for drafting is 25, not 26. 2009-10-24 01:23:27 補充: And my funny question for you: How can you have so many time getting some many citizenships and serving with the miltary?
How can you have so many time getting some many citizenships and serving with the miltary? **** many or MUCH time? **** (some) many citizenships???? **** Serving (with) the miltary??? three mistakes in one simple sentence... sigh.... 2009-10-25 02:07:46 補充: i born with 3 Citizenship ***各下"生"了三個國籍? or I WAS born with....|||||1/仲有冇其他方法apply唔洗register? No, this is civil duty for all resident in US (Including Temporary Resdient and Illegal Alien) to register for Selective Service Obligation when the resident turn 18 in United State. You are not qualified for ANY Federal or State benefit before you take up this obligation. 2/register之後,係咪叫你去服兵役?個程序係點,有咩要注意?要幾耐?聽講係抽既形式 No, register for selective service simply mean when the country are in general mobilisation or state of emergency, you are ready to be drafted into the US military. Currently all military service is volunteerary service and no selective service are in place. Register for it only mean you are to be ready for it. When the US president or US Congress called for general mobilisation or state of war. The selective service will then be invoked. Selective service is a service for all MALE RESIDENT (Legal or Illegal) aged 18-26 to be into the selective service pool. There are 2 set of pool. One is the Date of year pool (Combine with a date and a month) another is perference pool which numbered from 1- 366. When the lotto begin, the officer will draw a number from date of year pool, and then match it up with the number draw from perference pool, the officer keep drawing until all date of year are match to a perference number. People aged 20 with born in the date of year drawed with perference 1 will fill the quota first, then with the date of year drawed with perference 2 and so on. Until the quota is full age perference is going from 20, 21, 22, 23 ,24, 25, 26 ,19 ,18. Say for example, if the date of year February 20 is drawed with perference 1, March 24 is drawed with perference 2. then all male aged 20 born in February 20 will fill the selective service quota first, then all male aged 21 will fill the quota, doing so until the selective number are all filled. 2009-10-24 07:04:00 補充: What gary said is incorrect, EVERYBODY MUST REGISTER to Selective Service System regardless of condition. However, if you have any condition preclude you form serving US Armed Force, you will be classified when you are selected. 2009-10-24 07:07:00 補充: So even if you only have 1 leg, you know for sure you are not physically fit to perform any kind of military duty (4-F) YOU STILL NEED TO REGISTER TO SSS. Cos the 4-F status are classed to you once you see the recruiter, not before. 2009-10-24 07:07:28 補充: Also, Failure to register itself in peace time is not a crime, however, that will preclude you from claiming benefit (Cos of automated deferral) However, when the order of general mobilisation came, and you still not registered, then it count as draft dodger and then this is a crime. 2009-10-24 19:06:47 補充: 1.) No One is exempted, if you are a RESIDENT in US(Citizens, LPR, Temporary or even Illegally) you will need to fill in the form for SSS or when you become US Citizens, LPR, you will lose benefit. 2009-10-24 19:08:23 補充: 2.) That's easy, i born with 3 Citizenship, I was born in US, my Father is an Australian Chinese, My mother is a British-Nordic Citizens I born with UK, US and Australian Citizenship. It is just a matter of money to apply for all the passport. 2009-10-24 19:09:39 補充: Joined the army when i was 17 and a half, after a Grand Theft Auto Charge (Well, on moral waiver) met my swedish wife when i was 22 and was in Iraq. Seprated from the Army when i was 24, married my Swedish Wife the same year. 2009-10-24 19:11:43 補充: Got Swedish Citizenship 2 years afterward as part of nordic Citizens deal (My mum is half nordic) applied Canadian Permanent Resident when i was 25, approved when i was 27. 2009-10-24 19:12:04 補充: There, you happy now?