
請問 qq





It wasn`t much fun walking in the rain. My friend Peter and I found a small tree to shelter under. We stayed there for a while. When the rain stopped, we started to walk again but we couldn`t see anyone else.---we were on our own. I began to get worried but a few minutes later we came to the top of a hill and saw... 顯示更多 It wasn`t much fun walking in the rain. My friend Peter and I found a small tree to shelter under. We stayed there for a while. When the rain stopped, we started to walk again but we couldn`t see anyone else.---we were on our own. I began to get worried but a few minutes later we came to the top of a hill and saw everyone below us on the beach. As we climbed down the hillside, Peter fell and scraped his leg badly. Poor Peter! 更新: we were on our own. 點解? 點用的? Poor Peter! 點解? 我再給一點例句嗎? qq


we were on our own: we were alone, no one else 只得我們 Poor Peter! 可憐的Peter 感嘆詞


- on one’s own 1 : for or by oneself : independently of assistance or control e.g. made the decision on his own 他獨自決定 2 : left to rely entirely on one's own resources e.g. if you mess up, you’re on your own如果你弄髒,你自己獨自處理(廣東話:攪掂) 中文可以譯:孤立無援,獨自地 而Poor Peter!是可憐的彼得(啊)!|||||We were on our own 解我們只可以靠自己了 on your own 的解釋 = alone eg: I like living on my own. = without any help eg: I did my buttons up all on my own, Mummy. 文中的 on our own 便是 without any help 的意思 即沒有任何幫助, 要靠自己了 (當停雨時我們開始再行,但是看不到任何人) 常聽到的有 we are on your own / I am on my own 等 例如你做一個 group project, 誰知team leader 極不負責任, 你組員問你 "What should we do?" 你可以答 "I guess we are on our own this time." (這次大概要靠自己了) Poor Peter! 即概嘆 Peter 不幸受傷的 expression 這裡 poor (adj.) 解可憐的,不幸的 給你一些其他例子: Poor kitten! Look how hungry it is. 可憐的小貓! 看它多飢餓. I have to go to work on this Sunday, poor me! 我這星期日還要去上班,不幸的我 (=真可憐 = 我真是不幸)﹗|||||o係呢段文字入面we were on our own解做「只得我們」 .... on ... own 可以配上唔同既字, 視乎個主語 例如'I am on my own'就即係「只得我自己」 Sally is on her own = 「只得莎莉她自己」 Poor Peter! 直接解作「可憐的彼得!」 其實係想講你覺得彼得好可憐。 Poor xxx 的 xxx可配上任何名詞 例如 Poor me! = 可憐的我! Poor Mary! = 可憐的瑪莉!

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