1.何謂verbtobe? 2.devotion同devote,introduce同introduction 有咩分別? 請一一解答,能詳盡解答者必選為最佳. 更新: 希望第2題可以比d例句我,等我容易理解....
第一題, verb to be 即 is am are was were 詳情可往 http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/to_be.htm 第二題, 主要是noun 和verb的分別, 你在yahoo字典中亦能查到 它們表達的意思相近, 但不可亂用, 因為除了noun和verb 的分別, 它們都有一些常用和基本的用法。有時某些句子亦可互相轉化 如We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project. 可以轉為 He devoted his time and money to the project and we appreciated it. 以下為解釋 devote (verb) 將...奉獻(給)[(+to)] He devoted himself to writing. 他專心寫作。 He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍專心致力於化學研究。 He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他把一生都獻給了造福人類的事業。 devotion (noun) 1. 獻身;奉獻[U][(+to)] We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project. 我們感謝他為這一項目花費的時間和金錢。 His devotion to science is well known. 他對科學的獻身精神為人熟知。 introduce (verb) 1. 介紹,引見[(+to)] It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz. 是我的弟弟介紹我聽爵士樂的。 Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you. 允許我向你介紹我的朋友伍德小姐。 2. 引進;傳入;採用[(+to/into)] Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent. 咖啡是從歐洲大陸傳入英國的。 3. 提出;製定;推行 The vice chairman of the committee introduced a topic for discussion. 委員會副主席提出議題供大家討論。 4. 作為...的開始;引出 He introduced his speech with an anecdote. 他說了一則軼聞作為演講的引子。 introduction (noun) 1. 介紹;正式引見[U][C][P1] He was shaking her hand before I could finish the introduction. 未等我介紹完,他就在握她的手了。 2. 引進,傳入[U][(+of/to/into)] The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital. 政府認為引進新技術至關重要。 3. 採用;被採用的東西;引種[U][C] Television is a later introduction than radio. 電視的使用遲於無線電。 4. 引言,序言;序論[C][(+to)] 5. 入門(書)[C][(+to)] an Introduction to Biochemistry 《生物化學入門》
"devotion" 跟 "introduction" 是 noun, 名詞 , 當作一件物件來想就是了 "devote" 跟 "introduce" 是 verb, 動詞, 描寫動作 === NOUN examples: === Today we're going to have an introduction on this new product. 今天我們對這新產品會有一個介紹。 Marriage is a life-long devotion. 婚姻是一生之久的委身。 His devotion to basketball is unmatched. 他對籃球的委身是無人能及的。 === VERB examples: === Today we're going to introduce to you this new product. 今天我們會為你介紹這一個新產品。 I'm going to devote more time on practicing basketball. 我會放多點時間在練習籃球上。 希望能幫助到你 =)|||||1. verb to be ( 是動詞 ) 即係 is, am, are 2. devotion, introduction 係 noun (名詞) His devotion to science is well known.(devotion to = 對...的奉獻 ) 他對科學的獻身精神為人熟知。 ( His + 名詞 devotion ) He was shaking her hand before I could finish the introduction. 未等我介紹完,他就在握她的手了。 ( 動詞finish + 名詞 introduction) devote, introduce 係 verb (動詞) He devoted himself to writing. (devote ... to = 將...奉獻給..) 他專心寫作。 ( He + 動詞devoted ) Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you. 允許我向你介紹我的朋友伍德小姐。 ( 動詞 introduce + 名詞 my friend )