


去美國讀cc先,再讀大學,,大約要幾錢? cc去邊度讀好?? 我係美國果邊有親戚,申請過去會唔會方便d?? 更新: 其實入cc定直接上大學好?? 更新 2: 其實早d過去會唔會好d??不過我而+已經中5(334)



1. Average total cost (everything included) per year is USD$40,000 or HKD$312,000. The actual cost varies based on your choice. 2. The best way choose a community college is choose the university you want to study in first. Then choose the community college within the same state or nearby geographical area. For example, if you want University of California, then choose any community college in California will be fine. 3. Not exactly. It is the same procedure. Somehow it is easy to apply by yourself. (In that case, the school will directly contact you). Also, one thing about staying with relatives is conflicts and arguments are easily to break out. So you should think if this is the right choice for you. 4. Unless you do very well in school, community college is your always #1 choice. 5. 334 students are not eligible to go when they are Form 5. Because in the oold HKCEE system, Form 5 is considered high school graduate, but not for 334 (334 is Form 6).


有親戚其實唔一定會方便D, 因為假如佢地咩都唔識的話你就有可能愈搞愈煩, 因為有好多文件都要由你自己發出, 佢地頂多可以幫你做下跑腿或者做財政擔保而已. 你錢銀許可既話, 而家讀大學日後就唔使轉黎轉去咁煩, 可以免除CC轉大學有D學分唔受既Risk. 早D過去其實都唔知好唔好, 如果你想過去搵些少錢先就當然就好, 如果只係為左早D過去適應hea下的話就唔好啦, 因為美國生活開支大.|||||約5萬至7萬蚊港幣 每個州份及城市都有cc讀,而且間間既質素亦差唔多。 但好講你想讀咩科?因為每間cc都有佢出名既科目從而銜接上心儀既大學。 申請過去只係升學,所以係拎學生簽証。唔關你有幾多親戚就可以容易點,因為你唔係移民只係留學。 若果你既中學文憑成績係理想既話、家庭又有大把錢既話…你直接報大學啦﹗ 或者係先在港讀大學,然後畢業後再到美國讀碩士咁就更加好。 但相返若果你既成績只屬一般甚至乎差,咁就唔好報當地大學。因為你一定唔會考到一間優秀既大學。唯有入讀cc才可以有機會銜接上一級既大學。 你英文能力怎樣?由於每科都係用英文讀又要跟老師用英文溝通,所以很重要。你既英語能力必須好,所以早一點去預備會較好。好過你入讀後要不停咁讀英語班,又要讀數學又要讀自己選既科…真係好辛苦架。 你可以先入讀cc既High School completion即相等於高中,畢業後可以拿到高中文慼畢業証書。 有些同學會拿到雙証書,一張係cc另一張係高中文憑証書。 由於有些一級大學取錄學生既資格係要有高中文憑証書,但個同學可能只完成中五畢業成績又冇5科合格…包括主科。咁就唔當高中畢業,所以就必須補返個高中文憑証書。 若果你唔想遇到咁既情形,就先完成中六先。A9A3995907B431A4

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