唔想大家可以介紹比我知什麼是扭計骰嗎? 但要用英文回答我!!!千百萬個謝謝!!!
維基百科的資料: Rubik's Cube is a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974[1] by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ern? Rubik. Originally called the "Magic Cube" by its inventor, this puzzle was renamed "Rubik's Cube" by Ideal Toys in 1980 [1] and also won the 1980 German Game of the Year (Spiel des Jahres)special award for Best Puzzle. It is said to be the world'sbest-selling toy, with some 300,000,000 Rubik's Cubes and imitationssold worldwide.[2] In a typical Cube, each face is covered by nine stickers of one ofsix solid colours. When the puzzle is solved, each face of the Cube isa solid colour. The Cube celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in2005, when a special edition Cube in a presentation box was released,featuring a sticker in the centre of the reflective face (whichreplaced the white face) with a "Rubik's Cube 1980-2005" logo. The puzzle comes in four widely available versions: the 222 (Pocket Cube, also Mini Cube or Ice Cube), the 333 standard cube, the 444 (Rubik's Revenge), and the 555 (Professor's Cube). Even larger sizes have been built and are to be launched in September of 2008.[3] Contents [hide]1 Conception and development2 Popularity and Pop Culture3 Workings3.1 Permutations3.2 Center faces4 Solutions4.1 The search for optimal solutions4.2 Move notation4.3 Competitions and record times4.4 Alternative competitions5 Custom built puzzles6 Rubik's Cube software7 References8 Notes9 External links 2008 Yahoo! ch3jacky1993? Limited. 版權所有 不得轉載