零收入單親綜援家庭子女讀大學的 1)學費 及 2)生活費 政府有資助嗎? 是否要向政府借?若是的話,金額可有多少? 畢業後的還款期及利息是怎樣? 非常擔心這問題! 希望有心人解答
i am also exactly in this situation. there is assist for the tuition fee but no assist for the living expenses. actually there is no living expenses form 綜援 once you are graduate from F.7. no matter you are studying in associate degree or higher diplomer or even the local university. for full-time goverment funded programme, you can apply for the TSFS. It offers grants for tuition fees and academic expenses and loans for living expenses. for your situation you can get the full grants for tuition fee from the goverment and you can only apply for the loans for living expenses, which is currently set at 2.308% for the interest. the interest will be counted after you graduate. you should repay within 5 years once you graduate. however for the self- financed programme, you can only apply The NLS. it offers interest-bearing loans to local full-time and part-time students to cover tuition fees. These loans are not means-tested. which is currently set at 5.132% per annum for the interest. the interest is counted from the the time you borrow. you can repay within 10 years once you graduate and the repay is divided into three times per year. you may shorten the repay period if you can. here is the link for different kinds of goverment fundedsscheme http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/eng/index.htm