






圖片參考: 圖片參考: Entrance of the Beverly Hilton Hotel in 加州比華利山 希爾頓酒店 Hilton is a brand of the Hilton Hotels Corporation, based in 加州比華利山. It is one of the world's largest chains of hotels. The Hilton brand was re-united internationally after more than 40 years in February 2006, when United States-based Hilton Hotels Corporation purchased the lodging arm of United Kingdom-based Hilton Group PLC, which had acquired Hilton's international operations in 1987 (the companies had been severed originally in 1966). Hilton Hotels became America's first coast-to-coast hotel chain in 1943.[1] The company places marketing emphasis on business travel, but owns and operates a number of resorts and leisure-oriented hotels as well. As of April 2007, The chain has 229 Hilton branded hotels across the world and has partnerships with many airline and car rental companies. History Founded in 1919 by Conrad Hilton. Hilton bought his first hotel, the Mobley Hotel, in 1919 in 德州Cisco,. In 1930, Conrad Hilton opened his first high-rise Hilton hotel in El Paso, Texas, which is currently called the Plaza Hotel. Hilton became the first 國際 hotel chain with the opening of the Caribe Hilton Hotel in 波多黎各聖胡安。 約翰連儂 and Yoko Ono held their first Bed-In for Peace between March 25 and March 31 1969 at the 阿姆斯特丹 Hilton in Room 902. This room has become a popular tourist destination. Hilton Hotels owns and manages several other hotel brands, catering to both business and leisure travel. These brands are Embassy Suites, Doubletree, Hampton Inn, Hampton Inn and Suites, Hilton Garden Inn, Conrad, Waldorf=Astoria Collection and Homewood Suites by Hilton. Total number of hotels now under the Hilton brand are 343 managed hotels and 2,242 franchised hotels, with over 105,000 employees as of May 2007. HHC was granted the naming rights to the George R. Brown Convention Center in late 2003. The Hilton Americas in Downtown Houston, Texas, is connected to the convention center. 帕丽斯·希爾頓(Paris Whitney Hilton,1981年2月17日—)是美國有名的社交名媛,女演員,歌手,模特兒。並且她是著名希爾頓酒店集團承繼人之一。2003年帕丽斯與前男友所自拍的性愛影片於網上流傳而聲名大噪,2004年該影片被製作成錄影帶《1 Night in Paris》發售。同年參與電視台FOX製作的真人實境秀節目《The Simple Life》,全美大受歡迎,吸引全球廣告商爭相贊助。作為一位演員她偶然會客串一些小角色,較令人印象深刻的電影演出是2005年的驚悚片《恐怖蠟像館》,她亦於2006年8月推出首張同名專輯《Paris》。 希爾頓出生於紐約紐約市,父母是著名希爾頓酒店集團現任主席的第六子理查德·希爾頓與著名的凱蒂·希爾頓,家中有四兄弟姊妹,希爾頓排行最大,其次是她的妹妹妮姬·希爾頓,排行第三的弟弟是巴倫·希爾頓二世,年紀最小的弟弟是康拉德·希爾頓三世。 由於母親的關係,希爾頓也是70年代兩位著名童星金·理查茲和卡儀·理查茲的外甥女,亦因為姻親關係,她與兩位著名影星莎莎·嘉寶和伊莉莎白·泰勒有著親戚關係。 她的祖父是著名希爾頓酒店集團現任主席巴倫·希爾頓,祖母是(前名)瑪麗蓮·霍利。希爾頓的曾祖父母是希爾頓酒店的始創人康拉德·希爾頓,與他的第一任妻子瑪麗·巴倫。康拉德·希爾頓在沒有留下任何遺言或遺囑下,於1979年與世長辭。巴倫·希爾頓其後的遺產爭奪最終告上法庭,最後於1988年勝訴並奪得遺產的承繼權。 外界不斷在計算或猜測帕丽斯可得到的遺產總值,在各種不同的計算之下,估計約是三千至五千萬美元[1][2] 小時候的帕丽斯與家人居住在不同酒店的總統套房,包括曼哈頓的華道夫-阿斯多里亞酒店、比華利山和漢普頓。她高中一年級就讀於加利福尼亞州其中一城市Rancho Mirage的Marywood-Palm Valley School,而她高中二年級,以及她的初中生涯都就讀於同一所學校,紐約的Dwight School,但最後並沒有完成高中畢業便輟學。[3] 並且最終掙取到GED(普通教育程度)。[4]


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