我部w850i跌咗落廁所, 知唔知邊度有得整返? 我真係好想整返佢, 唔想買過部新機住, 因為超鍾意依部手機. 急急急!!! 唔該晒. 更新: 我想知如果冇單又整唔整得呢? 請提供詳細地址. 謝謝! ^_^
俾錢整就得!收幾多就要俾佢睇過部機先報到價俾你! 圖片參考:http://www.sonyericsson.com.hk/hkmacaucs/images/logo_title.gif 圖片參考:http://www.sonyericsson.com.hk/hkmacaucs/images/cwsgraphics.gif 圖片參考:http://www.sonyericsson.com.hk/hkmacaucs/images/spacer.gif 現凡於香港特約經銷商購買新力愛立信產品可在澳門享有保養維修服務,澳門用戶亦可在香港享有此服務。 (按照有關保養維修條款) Sony Ericsson products that bought from authorized retailers in Hong Kong can also obtain warranty repair services in Macau, and vice versa. (Subject to warranty terms and conditions) 新力愛立信特於香港及澳門設立客戶服務中心及授權服務點,為閣下提供至完善及周全的客戶服務。除了保養服務外,位於香港灣仔及旺角之客戶服務中心更提供銷售服務、備份服務*以及免費手提電話操作課程^。客戶亦可親臨體驗新款手提電話的多元化功能,包括鈴聲下載、相片印製、自製主題、MP3試聽、流動辦公室及電腦同步化等等。 備註: *備份服務包括電話簿、鈴聲及相片,並須另行收費 ^免費手提電話操作課程的安排,本公司將另行公佈 Sony Ericsson has set up Customer Service Centres and Authorized Service Point at Hong Kong and Macau to provide the best customer services. In addition to warranty service, Customer Service Centres at Wan Chai and Mong Kok also provide retail service, back-up service* and free training courses^ for new mobile phones. Customers can also experience different functions of new mobile phones, including ringtone download, photo printing, theme creation, MP3 listening, mobile office and PC synchronization. Remarks: *Back-up service is a chargeable service, which includes: phonebook, ringtone and photo ^The arrangement of these training courses will be announced separately 有關位於香港的兩間新力愛立信客戶服務中心的地址及辦公時間詳情如下: 灣仔客戶服務中心: 灣仔皇后大街東183號合和中心52樓5207室 旺角客戶服務中心: 九龍旺角登打士街56號柏裕商業中心11樓1109室 營業時間: 逄星期一至星期六 上午十一時至下午八時 星期日及公眾假期 中午十二時至下午四時 In Hong Kong, there are two Sony Ericsson Customer Service Centres to provide warranty repair services: Room 5207, 52/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Room 1109, 11/F Park In Commercial Centre, 56 Dundas Street, Mongkok, Kowloon Service Hours: Mon - Sat 11:00am to 8:00pm Sun & Public Holidays Noon to 4:00pm 有關位於澳門的新力愛立信授權服務點的地址及辦公時間詳情如下: 新力愛立信授權服務點地址 澳門澳蘇亞利斯博士大馬路323號中國銀行大廈25樓B室 營業時間: 逄星期一至星期六 上午十時至下午七時 星期日及公眾假期 休息 In Macau, Sony Ericsson products are warranted by Sony Ericsson Authorized Service Point: Sony Ericsson Authorized Service Point Address 25/B, Bank of China Building, Avenida Doutor Mario Soares, Macau Service Hours: Mon - Sat 10:00am to 7:00pm Sun & Public Holidays Close 請帶備銷售發票之正本。 Please bring the original sales invoice. 如有任何查詢,請聯絡我們的客戶服務熱線 (852) 8203 8863,或客戶服務電子郵箱questions.hk@support.SonyEricsson.com For any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact Sony Ericsson Call Centre at (852) 8203 8863 questions.hk@support.SonyEricsson.com 圖片參考:http://www.sonyericsson.com.hk/hkmacaucs/images/spacer.gif 圖片參考:http://www.sonyericsson.com.hk/hkmacaucs/images/bottom.gif